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Bergamia Tea at Lenham Farmers' Market
Nigel from Bergamia Tea at the Farmers' Market
Bergamia Tea at Rochester Farmers' Market

We love offering our tea blends not only online but also at Farmers Markets where our customers can smell and see our teas before they buy. There’s always a great sense of community and it’s lovely to buy good quality food and drink there ourselves and support local businesses. It’s a real pleasure to meet our customers face to face, talk about tea, interesting experiences and ideas. It also gives our customers a chance to re-use their bags and bring their tins or jars to refill with tea.

Map of Kent

According to Visit Kent there are over 50 Farmers Markets located in Kent where over 600 producers sell their local produce.

Britain has a long history of markets and a good selection is listed on Discover Britain's Markets and Markets Towns – a guide to the wealth of markets and market towns across Great Britain. It also has an interesting section on Charter Markets; regular weekly markets that were established by Royal Charter dating back over 800 years ago.

Markets we attend...

Most markets we attend regularly, a few occasionally, there are also special events we attend, some are old and established and some brand new. Please always check our Market Calendar first before visiting us as dates are sometimes subject to change and/or cancellation.

You can find us every month alongside many fabulous produces at:

Bergamia Tea at Guilford Farmers' Market

Guildford Farmers’ Market

High Street, Guildford
Held every 1st Tuesday of the month
10.30am - 3.30pm

Herne Hill Farmers’ Market

Railton Road, Herne Hill,
London, SE24 OJN
Held every Sunday 10am - 4pm.
We usually attend on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.

Bergamia Tea at Herne Hill Farmers' Market

Faversham Charter Market

Court Street, Faversham, ME13 7AL
Held every Tuesday, Friday and Saturday 9am - 4pm. We usually on attend the 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month.

Rochester Farmers Market

Blue Boar Lane Car Park, Rochester. Held every 3rd Sunday, 9am - 1pm

Wye Farmers Market

Green by the Post Office, Wye. Held every 1st and 3rd Saturday 9am - 12noon. We usually attend on the 3rd Saturday of the month