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The FoodTalk Show - Two for tea and tea for two

It was an absolute pleasure to take part in The FoodTalk Show (Food Radio Broadcaster of the Year 2021) – the weekly podcast established and run by Susie Warran-Smith. I also met Susie’s co-presenter, Jane Peyton, drink expert and founder of the School of Booze as well as meeting tea trader Nick Gandon. Here you can listen to the whole programme from 09th May 2022 and enjoy Jane and Susie’s friendly, passionate, witty food and drink chat which brings so many interesting Food Heroes together in under half an hour! We really enjoyed taking part in the programme, listening to Nick, Jane and Suzie’s tea and tea drinking experiences and talking a bit about our Real Earl Grey and offering tips on how to make our Breakfast Tea.

The FoodTalk Show - Bergamia Tea

Available on SpotifyStitcher | Google podcasts | PlayerFM | Podbean.

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